Automotive unltd: Everything Automotive for Your Cars, Trucks & Other Vehicles!

Showcasing Automotive Supplies, Parts & Accessories for Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, and All Other Vehicles.
Find Automotive-related Products and Services. Connect and Interact with those who share your interest in and passion for all things Automotive.
Below you'll find Merchants and Products which speak to the topic of this site and which, in keeping with our mission as The Web's Concierge, have been carefully chosen and individually screened for your shopping ease and pleasure. They are not paid ads, but rather companies with whom we have selectively chosen to partner. We do earn a referral fee if you find something you like or need and purchase it. We have striven to bring you the "best in breed" companies ... those that: we like, our friends like, have great sites and service, have good online reviews, positive consumer reports, and are family friendly. Keep us posted with regards to your own personal experiences with them.
You may be surprised at companies that have not been included. The "noisiest" in the marketplace are not always the best. We have chosen 1) newer innovative companies that are performing well and garnering respect in their respective niches as well as 2) "Main Street" companies that have been reliably getting the job done for decades ... in some cases centuries. Our oldest partner, thus far, has been in business since 1819! That's staying power.
Rest assured, if we've included a certain vendor in a site's line-up, there's a very specific reason for it. You may have to hunt and poke a bit, but it'll be well worth the effort. Enjoy the adventure!

The Leader of the Pack
Customer Favorites:
Amazon: One of the planet's most mind-boggling arrays of goods. First came the books. Now they've added every other product on the planet. The ultimate in selection and convenience across multiple categories. The most comprehensive, straightforward review of virtually every new and used vehicle sold in the U.S. They got 100 automotive experts together to compile the best research data available ... on every car, truck, SUV, and van. You'll find their rankings from best to worst across multiple criteria including safety, gas mileage, acceleration, cargo space, performance, and more. Looks to be pretty objective ... the amount and breadth of the data available here is staggering. The final part of the process ... once you've done your comparison research ... they've got listings of new and used vehicles by city. You might just be able to find the perfect car or truck ... making for a true one-stop shop.

Brookstone: A specialty retailer offering an assortment of consumer products that are functional in purpose, distinctive in quality and design, and not widely available from other retailers ... just the coolest place to find the neat, the unusual, the pragmatic, and most importantly, the innovative! (They have long been "the" leader in the "travel comfort and preparedness" column ... it sure helped sell their wares in all those airport stores.) Always a satisfying shopping experience.
Grassroots Motorsports: Covering the entire world of amateur motorsports ... from autocrossing to vintage racing. You'll find how-to articles, features on the cars, product tests, and action from the racing circuits.

J C Whitney: "The" Ultimate Source for anything "Automotive" ... Parts, Accessories, and Tools for cars, trucks, motorcycles, Jeeps®, RVs, etc ... If it's an automotive vehicle, these guys will have you covered. Every geek's favorite shopping site.. It's a guess, but an educated one and probably not too far off the mark. More recently, they've added to their inventory ... at this juncture, they've become a first rate one-stop shop for just about anything you could need or want.
More Resources:
4-Wheel & Off-Road: A magazine connecting you with some of the best automotive light-truck category's off-road marketplace ... with monthly features on real world 4x4 performance modifications, new products, and evaluations. If you love Art ... any kind of art, any subject ... you're gonna love this site. It's a feast for the senses. You can browse by subject, genre, artist, room to be decorated, and even color palate. Once you've found the image you've been looking for and/or can't live without, then you have multiple product types to choose from ... there's even a great selection of wall tapestries. You'll have fun here ... no matter your special interests or current decorating mission. Their tag line says it all: "Find Your Art, Love Your Space."
Automobile: A magazine providing a hard-core, in depth look for you automotive enthusiasts at the impact the automotive world has had - then and now. The focus is on the full range of the auto experience ... from the cars - the "machines" themselves - to road tests and road trips. Each issue includes reviews of new vehicles, tips for vintage car collectors, and information about auto sports and the automobile business.
Chevy High Performance: The automotive source for all you Chevy aficionados! Whether you're buying, building, restoring, or modifying high-performance Chevrolet vehicles from the 1950s right up to the current model line-up...
Collectible Automobile: The magazine that brings automotive history to life with wonderful photos and great writing. You'll find articles on collector and special-interest cars from 1930 to the 1980's. Columns profile industry figures, future collectibles, the various makes and models, and auto advertising.
Diecast X: A magazine dedicated to celebrating the love of automobiles and all things automotive via the Die Cast experience.
Diesel Power: The first consumer magazine just for diesel enthusiasts. You'll get a look at what's on the market to improve your truck's engine, transmission, and driveline. You'll also get a preview of the newest light trucks with diesel engines and how they perform. If that's not enough, diesel engine technology, motorhome engine upgrades, "diesel drags", "dyno days", and towing are all part of the package as well!

Garmin: The global leader in satellite navigation ... since 1989. You'll find GPS devices of all types for all applications.

KMart: Offering a wide range of merchandise from appliances, electronics, and toys to apparel, home decor, and sporting goods ... and much, much more. It would be hard for us to calculate the goods we've bought here over the years. Great stuff, great prices ... every once in a while the online customer service gets a bit flukey... What's neat ... they've still got their great layaway plan available online!
Motor Trend: An Automotive publication devoted to domestic and foreign cars ... Emphasizes performance, comparison tests, interviews, new car previews, auto shows, styling and engineering details, safety reports, buyers guides and impressions of new trucks and off-road vehicles.

Northern Tool: If it has anything to do with tools, heavy and industrial equipment, construction and contracting needs for professionals or do-it-yourselfers ... you'll find it here. If it has to do with supporting "home and hearth infrastructure" or various kinds of commercial industry ... you'll also find it here. Along with much, much more. A merchant that has always amazed with the breadth of its offerings across multiple categories! And ... be sure and check out their NEW "Big Deals of the Week" feature.

Online Sports: Just a fun place to browse for anything and everything sports - gear and equipment, accessories, apparel, memorabilia, and gifts. You'll find something for the fan of ANY sport ... from sports themed home furnishings to sports gear to jewelry. Be forewarned ... the "search" function is not as efficient as it could be ... but they've got the stuff! Very, very cool!
Popular Mechanics: The iconic magazine for those who are always wondering how things work or about the latest tech gadgets! You'll find tons of great articles and detailed information to help you compare and make good decisions regarding products and services across the home improvement, automotive, sciences, outdoor living, and technology sectors.

Popular Science: The long-lived popular magazine focusing on new products that have utilitarian applications relative to people's homes, transportation, and recreational pursuits. You'll find up to the minute information on scientific and technological developments - both experimental and practical - across disciplines such as electronics, computers, photography, aviation, automobiles, etc.
Whatever Works: Your Favorite Home & Garden Solutions Catalog is now online ... Featuring a whole collection of clever home, garden, and personal products that solve everyday problems and enhance the quality of your family's (and your pet's) life ... indoors and out. (They've even got the pest control thing figured out!)
Road & Track: A magazine dedicated to covering all the best in high-performance vehicles ... you'll find articles focusing on areas such as aerodynamics, suspension, and which cars have the most powerful engines, as well as reviews of both domestic and foreign makes and models (including sports cars and sedans).

Sears: What started as your favorite catalog store has survived to become a giant retailer - 2,300 Sears branded and affiliated stores across the US and Canada - of all your "home, hearth, and garden needs" including apparel, appliances, tools, and automotive products. We may take them for granted, but there isn't much they don't have across all niches ... all displayed across an organized, easy to navigate site.
Street Trucks: A magazine featuring custom trucks, including new trucks, aftermarket parts and pieces, and the latest styling trends, as well as technical articles on how to transform your own project vehicle.
Super Chevy: One of the leading Chevrolet enthusiast magazines providing ... it gets "down and dirty" with in-depth technical articles covering the hottest engine combinations, trick suspension and brake testing, and full-on restoration how-tos. There's also comprehensive product reviews, up-to-the minute news and event coverage, as well as "special" Tech Talk columns written by industry experts on Chevelles, Camaros, Novas, and '55-'57 Chevys.
Super Street: A magazine dedicated to the personalization and performance enhancement of compact street cars. Super Street combines extensive technical information with unparalleled coverage of the rapidly-growing performance compact car aftermarket. It also defines market trends via its features and event coverage from around the globe. This favorite shopping destination has become one of the Web's 5 top favorite places to shop ... the company has worked its way into the Fortune 50. They've really covered all the bases when it comes to customers' "wants and likes".
The Family Handyman: Whether you're just getting started or have been a DIY-er for years, you'll like the step-by-step instructions, expert tips from industry pros, and time and money-saving hints that will help you get any job you're tackling around the house done right! Why pay for pricey repairs when you can save money and time doing it all yourself? Here's your guide to home, automobile, appliance, plumbing, and electrical repairs. You'll also find in-depth plans for a wide variety of projects including cabinetry, gardening, and decks, as well as tips for wallpapering and painting. With so many helpful tips and easy "how-tos" ... you'll be working like a pro in no time! (Hint: Maybe there should be a title ... Family Handywoman!)